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Restrictions Return for Halifax Regional Municipality


“We are using these restrictions as a circuit breaker to prevent our case count from increasing,” said Premier Rankin. “We are taking quick action to limit the opportunity for the virus to spread any further in local communities.”

With the further COVID restrictions announced yesterday by Premier Rankin and Dr. Strang, the Club is sad to announce that all in person training and social events will be cancelled for the next four weeks. While there is a chance that we could resume in two weeks based on how things progress, we will revisit a possible return to training once deemed safe to do so.

The Halifax Rugby Football Club wishes all residents of HRM and the surrounding affected areas nothing but the best during these trying times. If we all work together we can get through this, just as we've done before. Just stay the blazes home for a bit and we'll be right back at it before you know it!

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